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March 27, 2025
PJ 1313 Patty Jacks 37, 38 from Virtual Quilter

There are literally thousands of ways to arrange the two shapes of Drunkards Path block. A lot of them are not symmetrical blocks, but there are hundreds that are symmetrical.

I love the second of these two designs.

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November 14, 2024
PJ 1313 Patty Jacks 19, from Virtual Quilter

Curved seams are nowhere near as difficult to do as people think … I use no pins and can put together the blocks for a cot quilt with 12 inch blocks in about half a day, including a coffee break, and in a one day class I have seen people go home with the same size quilt together, and they had to cut the pieces before they started.

These two designs use the same block design, but the colours have been mixed up a bit.

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May 31, 2024
Patchwork Jigsaw 5, 6 from Virtual Quilter

A very interesting design!

These designs are no where as hard to do if you use the no pins method of joining the two curved pieces. Then I would start at the right hand side and chain piece the first two rows on the left, then continue chain piecing squares to the right hand side, using the diagram as a guide. In workshops I had students finish a cot quilt top in a day, including cutting, piecing the curves and joining the top.

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February 24, 2024
PJ 1121 Pauline Patches 9, 10 from Virtual Quilter

Colours are dull, but the contrast is good as the block designs can be seen clearly.

I like the second design! It would be ok on a bed, but also make a rather nice floor rug.

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September 26, 2023
Spinning Arches 1, 2 from Virtual Quilter

Interesting version of Patchwork Jigsaws, formally known as Drunkard’s Path.

Flip every second block left to right, and the Drunkard’s Path link becomes much more obvious!

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August 2, 2023
Taking Some Time Off! from Quilty Folk

 I've been puttering around, sewing the wedges together from a project that got cut too small. It just seems like a waste to have it sit in the orphan totes forever. The plan is to hand applique these wheels to a background block and then figure out a center circle fabric. Perhaps blue? Some of the Dresdens are a little bit wonky, but I'm crossing my fingers the hand work will ease it out.

The new applique project
In other news, my mother got this lovely quilt in the mail a couple weeks ago. One of my cousins ...

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April 30, 2023
Patchwork jigsaw Basics 3, 4 from Virtual Quilter

Some rather dull time at the machine piecing the curves, followed by a fair amount of time concentrating hard can bring some interesting results.

I think I would have to vote for the second design as my favourite of these two.

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April 29, 2023
PJ 1134 from Virtual Quilter

It has been a while since I opened a Patchwork Jigsaw project. Love the border around these designs.

The 1134 in the title is the number I gave the block above which has been twisted and turned to make quite a few assorted over all designs.

Interesting variation in the second design.

It is a tie for my favourite of these three designs, first and last.

Love the border in all of them.

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April 7, 2022
Patchwork Jigsaw Block 1231 from Virtual Quilter

I love playing with Drunkard’s Path, and once did some maths to work out how many ways squares with a quarter circle cut out of them could be arranged in 4×4 groups, and the answer reached across an A4 page in quite small print and I have lost the sheet of paper and will not bother doing the maths again. (Too much like doing school homework!)

These three designs use just one of the many block possibilities, and I thought they are interesting enough to share.

Mind you, I have no idea what it might represent, but it ...

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March 18, 2022
PJ 1121 Pauline Patch 7, 8 from Virtual Quilter

This is just one of many ways a square with a quarter circle can be arranged to make a 4P square, then put together to make a quilt design.

Many years ago I did some multiplying on a sheet of paper to work out how many ways a 4P square could be arranged, then kept multiplying until I had the number of ways four of those square could be put together.

The number reached level of annual government wages of public servants in most countries around the world. I decided that I would not spend the rest of my life ...

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January 20, 2022
Drunkard’s Path quilt using interfacing from Pieced Brain

Drunkard’s Path quilt using interfacing

Make a Drunkard’s Path quilt using interfacing for a quick alternative to the slow traditional process of curved sewing! Check out a couple of projects I made with it: nope, I am not making money on this post – just showing you a product that I liked working with and that can be a great way to tackle projects that are a bit more involved to make when using traditional curved piecing.

I made this quilt a few summers ago using a Moda Fabrics charm pack (5″ squares) and yardage of a light cream fabric for the background. I love ...

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January 7, 2022
borders from Making A Lather

 Day 7 of January and I have not bought any fabric - This is a big deal for me. I wonder when the shakes will stop. Of course, I haven't been anywhere, but, I know how to use the submit now button on a website. I have at least 2 feet of floor cleaned up and vacuumed back from my sewing machine. For as nice as it feels, why can't I remember to keep it that way. I am barely energetic enough to sew. I have been trying to finish the gazillion hourglass blocks for rhododendron mystery. I thought ...

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December 17, 2021
too many circles from Making A Lather

This project is from 2012 when we had a local quilt shop in town. They held this quilt as a free block of the month. I had all the blocks at the end of the program done, but didn't decide how to put it together, so it went to the time out closet. I used a random number generator for this ufo project. It is time to make some decisions.

I apparently planned a sashing but there is no other piece of that fabric. There is a pretty aqua fabric in the box, that I might use.

I made ...

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September 13, 2021
Design Wall Monday - September 13, 2021 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

August, 2012, nine years ago, I took a class on curved pieces at the AQS Quilt Show in Grand Rapids.  This was before I even moved to Grand Rapids, as I remember staying with my friend Joan during the quilt show.  My sample from the class:And a vintage Drunkard’s Path block that Joan had at her house.Joan Brink’s vintage DP March, 2021  On the Design Wall progress:September, 2021,  the finished

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May 29, 2021
Patchwork Jigsaw PJ 1234 1, 2, 3, 4 from Virtual Quilter

In my library of Patchwork Jigsaws this blocks full number is 1234 1234 1234 1234 which is based on the direction the quarter circle faces in each quarter of the block. Here are two often used colorizations of the block.

And something a bit more adventurous.

Yes, exactly the same blocks, but with the colours. Even if you had not had an alcoholic drink in your life this would cause a few headaches resembling a hangover!

Much less of a headache with the one above.

And something much simpler as the last design for today.

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April 5, 2021
Design Wall Monday - April 5, 2021 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Happy Easter!This season of my life (I’m turning 78 this month) is teaching me what bitter sweet means.  While I feel life is deeper, sweeter, and more tender than when I was younger; it also is a season where I grieve good friends who die suddenly.   This is one of those grieving times.  Last week I lost a dear quilter friend who was part of the Churn Dashers of Tidewater Virginia group.  Her

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March 29, 2021
Design Wall Monday - March 29, 2021 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Good Morning Quilters!  Here is my design wall as it looks right now:There are 14 Lemoyne Stars that are yet to be completed - most of them have the center star parts sewn together, and just need the outside background edges attached (with the set-in seams).  I pinned them up on the wall.  There are only four that do not have the center parts sewn together.  You can see where these four will go

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March 22, 2021
Design Wall Monday - March 22, 2021 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Thanks for all the well wishes and your prayers.  I am feeling much better and am back at getting the two brown and white quilts finished.  They are off the design wall and one is ready to go to the long arm quilter.  Here are two pictures of each side of it hanging over the stairs railing.  I am needing a place to hang up a quilt top for a picture.  There is a new project on the design wall, so

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March 8, 2021
Design Wall Monday - March. 8, 2021 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Good Morning Quilters!  My design wall is looking different, and I am making progress on the two brown quilts.  Progress had to show if I kept working on them, right?  Here’s the Drunkard’s Path, which has grown:And here is the Wedding Ring middle - all in one piece finally:This quilt has a two inch border around it of brown, and then a wider border of white.  I had fun amusing myself trying to

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March 1, 2021
Design Wall Monday - March 1, 2021 from Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Good Morning Quilters! March 1st, a new month, and I have been working on the two quilts on my design wall.  Plus other projects as well.  I think March will be a good month of progress on the UFOs.  Here is the design wall: Still lots of brown and white, but the Wedding Ring quilt has all the edge triangles now cut, and the rows are getting assembled.  I can see the finish line, which will spur

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  • drunkards path
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